11 Reasons to Attend Winterfest in Lake Geneva

Kortnee Hass

January 26, 2021

Whether you’re looking for the perfect destination for Super Bowl Sunday, a romantic getaway for your Valentine, or the ideal winter solution for cabin fever, Lake Geneva’s upcoming Winterfest & U.S. National Snow Sculpting Championship – taking place February 3rd – 7th, 2021 – will have you covered.

You know what they say: Time flies when you’re having fun! There’s a plethora of indoor and outdoor activities, events, and tasty eats and drinks to enjoy with family and friends. Here are just 11 ways to revel in all the Winterfest fun coming up in Lake Geneva:
1.) Witness the talents of snow sculpting artists from around the world at the U.S. National Snow Sculpting Championship. (Feb. 3 – 7)

2.) Witness the nation’s most skilled hovercraft pilots competing against each other in a technically challenging timed obstacle course. The Lake Geneva Hover Craft Challenge is going down on February 5th – 7th. Make sure to make reservations by emailing tlswindsled2005@gmail.com ahead of time.
3.) Stop downtown for a free night of family fun featuring tons of great cocoa recipes at the Cocoa Crawl. (Feb. 5)
4.) Enjoy some s’mores and hot chocolate on Riviera Beach besides a bonfire on Feb. 5 – 7.
5.) Dine inside an igloo at Pier 290 for a dining experience that will be different from the rest!
6.) Hit up Baker House Fire & Ice Bar, where you can sip on speciality cocktails and hot toddies (Feb. 3 – 7). Call (262) 248-4700 for more information and to purchase tickets.
7.) Attend the annual Snow “Ball” White Party where you can purchase $1 shots if you’re wearing all white! (Feb. 6)
8.) Try all the vodka your heart desires and discounts on cocktails at Leap Vodka, founded by Leroy Butler! (Feb. 3)
9.) Explore all 26 of the beautiful ice sculptures around downtown Lake Geneva! You can find a list of their locations here.
10.) Get freaky tiki at Maxwell Mansion with cocktails and music at night, and family fun during the day, like making hot cocoa bombs!
11.) Find out who will win this year’s U.S. National Snow Sculpting Championship at the U.S. National Snow Sculpting Championship Winners Reception. (Feb. 6)

Let us know which event you are most excited for this winter in the comments below!

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