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Marshfield Clinic Continues to Lead Vaccine Research | Know Your Wisconsin


February 29, 2024

Marshfield Clinic has been leading federally funded vaccine research for nearly 20 years. Each year, their research includes the study of the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine. While many people may not consider the time and science that goes into their annual flu shot, the research team at Marshfield Clinic is dedicated to learning more and improving the vaccine year after year. The CDC recommends that all adults and children over the age of six months are vaccinated against the flu each year.

The Marshfield Clinic is one of the largest rural health systems in the U.S., and the Research Institute at Marshfield Clinic has a large team of skilled researchers tasked with enrolling patients and generating study data. Every year, more than 2,000 patients consent to be part of the flu vaccine study, a swab is collected from both their nose and throat and it is then tested for the flu virus. After the vaccination status is identified the vaccinated participants are then compared to unvaccinated participants, and researchers are then able to estimate how well the vaccine is protecting people against the flu. The data from this study is then used by the World Health Organization to help guide vaccine strain selection for the next flu season.

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