Uniquely Wisconsin: Wood County

Hailey Rose

June 19, 2024

Nestled in the central region of Wisconsin, Wood County is a hub of heartfelt and impactful stories. Follow along as we get a glimpse into the local athletes behind Aqua Skiers, hear about the passion behind Powers Bluff, and begin to understand the powerful mission of C2 Makerspace in education today. 

Behind the Aqua Skiers: Show Ski Capital of the World

Photo Credit: Wisconsin Rapids Area CVB

The Wisconsin Rapids Aqua Skiers work hard to host the Wisconsin State Water Ski Show Championships each year, competing alongside family and friends. While visitors watch as families grow and evolve in the sport of show skiing, the athletes involved teach and support one another every step of the way.

Jordan Moon, former Aqua Skier, joined the team at 15 years old, with a dream to run the Wisconsin state tournament–the world’s largest and longest-running ski show championship–in the local community of Wisconsin Rapids.

“We fall together, stand together, we cheer each other on,” said Jordan Moon, now co-tournament director of the Wisconsin State Water Ski Show Championships.

As the state tournament approaches, the entire community gathers together for this unique production. This free event draws thousands each year and is made possible by locals and the

interconnected community who provide support through sponsorship, volunteerism, and attendance.

Watch this Uniquely Wisconsin short here:

Passion Behind Powers Bluff: The Bluff to Bluff Race

Photo Credit: Discover Mediaworks

Sharon and Ralph Bredl, organizers of the Bluff-to-Bluff Road Race, fostered their fitness passion from a young age, alongside their farm backgrounds. As a child, to Sharon, bikes meant freedom and allowed her to fly on her own power. 

After battling physical struggles at the age of 46, Sharon persevered and fueled her fitness passion into road biking. 

“Road biking is the closest thing to flying on one’s own power that you can do,” said Sharon, organizer of the Bluff-to-Bluff Road Race. 

While everyone comes to cycling for different reasons, Joshua Sampson, Coach of the Marshfield High School Mountain Bike Club, came from a physical and mental health standpoint, finding joy in this form of fitness. 

The community congregates and connects through the love of cycling at The Sports Den, newly built mountain bike trails, and of course, the Bluff-to-Bluff Road Race, all with hopes of making the community a better place.

Watch this Uniquely Wisconsin short here:

Bridging Education to the Next Generation: C2 Makerspace

Photo Credit: Discover Mediaworks

Mark Bowie, director of C2 Makerspace, after 26 years working in aerospace, had a vision with his son to create a robotics team. He quickly became aware of not only kids’ unawareness to fix and use tools but also kids’ lack of curiosity to do so.

Dedicated to rekindling this curiosity, Mark and several supportive community partners, businesses, and sponsors, who invested in C2 Makerspace, created a place where students can come to increase their confidence and creativity and learn about new, emerging technology.

“Even if you don’t know how to do something, you have the confidence that you can figure it out; you have a bunch of resources and tools, and you have people that will show you how to do it,” said Mark Bowie.

The mission is to show students how, to increase their excitement, and generate interest in future careers in the Marshfield and greater Wood County area. 

Watch this Uniquely Wisconsin short here: 

Wood County is home to a remarkable community; every member is dedicated to making the area a better place with benefits for all. From hearing the heartfelt and impactful stories from the Aqua Skiers and the Powers Bluff organizers to C2 Makerspace leaders, one commonality shines through–the generous support by the greater Wood County community. 

Hailey Rose: Writer for Discover Mediaworks. A born & bred Wisconsinite with a love for fishing, hunting, and enjoying the great outdoors.

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