A Cheese Curd Crawl | S33 Ep.3
A Cheese Curd Crawl | S33 Ep.3
Here in Wisconsin, we know a thing or two about cheese curds! Eric and Mariah each embark on their own curd crawl to discover the tastiest, cheesiest, golden-fried morsels across America’s Dairyland.
Featured in this episode:
Hook’s Cheese Company: http://hookscheese.com/
Arena Cheese: https://www.arenacheese.com/
The Old Fashioned: http://www.theoldfashioned.com/
Curd Girl: http://www.curdgirl.com/
Pioneer Keg: https://thepioneerkeg.wordpress.com/
The Waterfront Restaurant and Tavern: http://www.thewaterfrontlacrosse.com/
The Iron Horse Hotel: https://theironhorsehotel.com/
Black Sheep MKE: https://www.blacksheepmke.com/
42 Ale House: http://42alehouse.com/
Graze: https://www.grazemadison.com/
Craftsman Table & Tap: https://craftsmantableandtap.com/
Buck & Honey’s: http://www.buckandhoneys.com/
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