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Beloit: Celebrating Distinctive Art & Culture (Segment)


February 29, 2024

Beloit: Celebrating Distinctive Art & Culture (Segment)

With a deep passion and appreciation for art and culture in the community, it’s no wonder why Beloit fascinates visitors year-round. The city is home to an abundance of vibrant places that showcase film, music, history, and art, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in whatever festivities they prefer.

One attraction deeply rooted in Beloit’s history is Beloit College, a liberal arts institution founded in 1846. Despite the small campus size, the college is home to two enthralling museums that are open to the public: the Logan Museum of Anthropology and the Wright Museum of Art. Both serve as a student laboratory and center of experiential learning, one for understanding the many different aspects of the human experience (www.beloit.edu/logan/) and the other for a critical engagement with art (www.beloit.edu/wright/).

The Beloit Art Center is another captivating attraction for visitors and locals seeking an engaging art experience. The community-based art center supports emerging artists by offering vast studio space and networking opportunities with other growing or established artists. The Beloit International Film Festival, which is held annually over 10-days, is yet another immersive event that prides itself on presenting the opportunity for distinctive independent voices to be showcased through narrative films, documentaries and shorts. Visit http://www.beloitfilmfest.org to check out what’s screening, or find out more info in this short video: https://youtu.be/Ml8Hnpd1tzk.

Aside from the experience to view art and films, Beloit is a great destination for enjoying locally-produced music. The Beloit-Janesville Symphony Orchestra is a talented and well-versed community orchestra that draws in audiences for its professional sound, reflective of the symphony’s hard work, known as a bucket item list for the Midwest. Visit http://www.beloitjanesvillesymphony.org to book tickets for upcoming performances before they sell out.

From hip to historic, the city of Beloit has a little bit of everything. We take you to exciting new restaurants, the beautiful Beloit College campus, and unique events where you can celebrate local artists… or take a running jump into a mud pit. Beloit is all about embracing the innovative, the creative, the adventurous, and above all, a new perspective.

Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/vpxDfUdcBQw

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