“In this short documentary, join Chef Elena Terry on her journey to heal and reconnect with Ho-Chunk traditions through food. As the founder of Wild Bearies, a nonprofit dedicated to reviving indigenous foods, Chef Terry combines her culinary expertise with her passion for cultural restoration. Through traditional ingredients, techniques, and community education, she reintroduces flavors that connect generations, heal spirits, and honor her heritage. Dive into the powerful story of Wild Bearies as Chef Terry showcases the deep-rooted resilience and healing power of indigenous foods, one dish at a time.”

Season 35 Playlist – https://bit.ly/3HIFAYs
Original Shorts Playlist – https://bit.ly/3Drytkv
Uniquely Wisconsin Playlist – https://bit.ly/3HRKnXP
Meet Our Hosts Playlist – https://bit.ly/3XUp4u3

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The Bobber blogs: https://bit.ly/2zAOfeZ
The Cabin podcasts: https://apple.co/38FHVPc

“Discover the powerful story of Chef Elena Terry and Wild Bearies, a nonprofit dedicated to preserving and revitalizing indigenous foods and Ho-Chunk culinary traditions. In this compelling documentary, Chef Terry shares her journey as a Ho-Chunk chef and cultural advocate, exploring the healing properties of traditional foods and their role in reconnecting her community with its roots. As she combines her culinary skills with her mission to educate and inspire, Chef Terry demonstrates how food can transcend generations, rebuild heritage, and nourish both body and spirit. Through Wild Bearies, she reintroduces native ingredients and traditional cooking methods that honor her Ho-Chunk heritage, while also highlighting the importance of indigenous food sovereignty and cultural preservation. Join us as we dive into Chef Elena Terry’s inspiring work and experience the taste, stories, and profound impact of indigenous foods.”


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