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Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast: Diving Into Our Maritime History


February 29, 2024

Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan coastline is now home to the newest National Marine Sanctuary: The Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast! Join our host, TeKema Balentine, as she tours the towns and cities connected by this marine sanctuary to learn about its importance and the ways these communities help connect Wisconsin and the world to our maritime history.

In Port Washington, TeKema meets with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Russ Green to talk about NOAA’s efforts to map out the new sanctuary using sonar technology and the ways visitors near and far can experience the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast’s known shipwrecks for themselves and follow along as new ones are discovered.

Traveling to Manitowoc and Two Rivers, TeKema tours some of the area’s museums to learn about our maritime heritage and history. At the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, she meets with Executive Director Cathy Green to talk about the connections between the work at the marine sanctuary with that of the museums.

TeKema’s last stop is in Sheboygan to meet with the President of Visit Sheboygan Amy Wilson, PhD inside of an actual recovered shipwreck. TeKema and Amy talk about the many reasons to plan a visit to the area and connect with this beautiful piece of Wisconsin’s coastline and its history.

So dive in with us and explore what the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast has to offer us all today as a legacy is built for many future generations of visitors to enjoy!

#discoverwisconsin #NOAA #ShipwreckCoast #WI #LNRP #NationalMarineSanctuaries #WCMP #Sheboygan #PortWashington #Manitowoc #TwoRivers

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00:00 Introduction
00:12 Shipwrecks of Lake Michigan
01:22 1860 Light Station in Port Washington
02:12 Underwater Mapping
03:37 Manitowac Wisconsin Maritime Museum
06:00 Sheboygam Lottie Cooper Shipwreck

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