8 Hearty Wisconsin Dishes to Celebrate July Beef Month

Discover Wisconsin

July 27, 2017

Hot weather is here to stay and people are rushing outside for some sunbathing and lakeside swimming during these summer months. This means that everyone is also bringing out their grills and making some savory summer dishes. One of the many reasons to love Wisconsin is that many of our beloved farmers that raise our meat also have some of their own family recipes to share with you. Today, with the help of our friends at Something Special from Wisconsin™ we will be looking at eight fulfilling recipes from farms and butchers around the state that you can try at home.

1. BLT Ranch Baked Potatoes – Jones Dairy Farm
1 - Jones Dairy Farm
Jones Dairy is a name common to many in the Midwest through their reputation of creating wonderful sausages and other meats. The farm was founded by Milo Jones in 1889 who used innovative marketing strategies to sell his family’s specialty breakfast sausage recipes. The rest is history as the Jones family continued to create quality meats for their hungry customers. This recipe uses Jones aged bacon with roasted cherry tomatoes and shredded lettuce. It can be topped with butter, cheese or sour cream. This side dish can go great with many main courses and is sure to fill you up quickly. It also is a great option for cooking over the fire during camping as well.
Find the recipe here

2. Beef Chuck Roast – RJ’s Meats
Hailing from Hudson in Northwestern Wisconsin, RJ Meats is well known for their high quality selection including fan favorites such as bratwurst with jalapeno and cheese and cranberry summer sausage. Selling a whopping 200 varieties of meats, there is sure to be something that will fit your craving on their menu. RJ Meats brings an old-fashioned dish to the table with a beef chuck roast. This meal will fill you up quickly so it is perfect for the whole family or a large group of friends to appreciate. This roast is a classic staple of home-style cooking among Midwesterners and New Englanders.
Find the recipe here

3. Chicken Chutney & Mayonnaise – SA Braai
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What exactly is SA Braai you ask? SA Braai is a younger company founded in 2013 by Matthew Devan of East London, South Africa after migrating to the U.S. with his wife, Wendi. The company name essentially means ‘South African Grill’ as explained by Matthew. Chutney is an Indian spicy condiment usually made of fruits or vegetables that can result in a different number of tastes depending on ingredients added such as sugar, herbs or vinegar. SA Braai uses this in combination to create a unique and detailed chicken chutney casserole dish. If you want something with a bit more of a foreign taste to an otherwise familiar dish, then look no further.
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4. Andouille Sausage Dressing – Delta Dream, LLC
Andouille (Pronounced ‘an-DOO-ee’) is a French style sausage made using pork and later popularized in Louisiana. This and Tasso styled pork are the two specialty meats that make this Cajun style food provider noteworthy for those craving a southern taste. But you don’t need to travel down to New Orleans to try this smoked meal this summer. Mix this recipe with chicken, casserole or separately as you prefer then serve hot when finished.
Find the recipe here

5. Apricot-Stuffed Chicken Breast with Bacon – Nueske’s
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Beginning all the way back during the great depression era, R.C. Nueske began marketing an assortment of tasty smoked meats using his family’s recipes from when they first migrated in 1882. Nueske’s continues to satisfy its customers with its traditional European recipes to this day. Nueske’s takes the crown to this savory meal with some of their award-winning smoked bacon. This dish is good for taking out to a picnic meal after cooking and distributing at family events that anyone can enjoy.
Find the recipe here

6. Emu Bar-B-Q – Sugar Maple Emu Farm
This is probably the most exotic dish on this list, and will be harder to find than your traditional pork, beef or chicken. Emus are large, ostrich-like birds found only within Australia and are the second largest bird alive standing at 5 to 6 feet tall. Emus can now be found at over 5,000 farms within the U.S. One of these farms is Sugar Maple Emu Farm located in Brodhead where owners Mike & Joylene Reavis raise them. There is a plethora of emu-themed dishes they serve but one of the most appropriate ones for grilling out is their Emu-Bar-B-Q. Does it taste like chicken? You will just have to find out by ordering some ground emu from the farm and trying out for yourself. It is sure to be an excellent conversation piece and something new and delicious to serve to friends.
Find the recipe here

7. Smoked Brisket – Waseda Farms
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If you are someone that doesn’t desire something so exotic with your meal, then look no further than Waseda Farms who have been providing good ol’ fashioned Wisconsin meats since 1933. Waseda Farms Market in De Pere remains the only organic-focused grocery store and deli in Northeast Wisconsin. Continually growing and constantly innovating, Waseda prides itself in its high-quality products and educating Wisconsin families on eating well. One meal to try out yourself is their always-reliable smoked brisket. When you finish cooking this dish you will be peeling off the meat from the bone with little effort. Now how’s that for some mouth-watering imagery?
Find the recipe here

8. Beef Cuts and Hamburger – Cates Family Farm
The Farm owned by Dick & Kim Cates is located west of Madison in Spring Green. Dick and Kim pride their farm for supporting “free range” raised cattle that have less excessive fat and generally healthier than their feedlot-fed counterparts. A proud Midwestern farm with high quality meat is one you will be sure to enjoy at your next meal. Cates Family Farm offers some ideal ways to prepare your meat with several reliable methods of cooking. This includes using both dry heat and moist heat for cooking tender beef cuts and a getting your ground chuck spiced and ready for some juicy hamburgers. Some great options for your next Brewers tailgate or lazy river adventure day meals.
Find the recipe here

What recipes will you be cooking up to celebrate July Beef Month? Share with us on social media using #DiscoverWisconsin.

Something Special from Wisconsin™ is a trademarked program administered by the Division of Agricultural Development at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection since 1983. Every dollar spent on Something Special from Wisconsin™ products and services supports local farmers, food processors, entrepreneurs, our communities and livelihood, as well as the Wisconsin way of life. Something Special from Wisconsin™ products are unique and of the highest quality, making them perfect for gift-giving, special occasions and every day!

Ken Virden is a member of the Discover Wisconsin crew. He spends his recreational time with family and friends going camping, attending rock festivals, and running his own podcast ‘Virden Interviews’. Watch Discover Wisconsin TV Saturday mornings at 10 on Fox Sports Wisconsin. (Twitter: @DiscoverWI)

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