Here in Wisconsin, we know a thing or two about cheese curds and when it comes to serving them up fried and delicious, there’s no shortage of places to go and nosh on them! In fact, cheese curds are such a favorite people have been organizing curd crawls across the state to try the best curds Wisconsin has to offer. Today we’re sharing some of your favorite curd hotspots (as voted by the public in 2018 in USA Today) and a few of our own to inspire your very own cheese curd crawl!
Topping the list as Best Cheese Curds in Wisconsin is Madison’s very own hotspot, The Old Fashioned.

photo by @jyo_thathekile via Instagram
Second Place went to another Madison staple, Curd Girl, where the tiny food cart brings fried curd happiness to people all over the Madison area!

photo by @curdgirl via Instagram
Also making the top 10 list was the Pioneer Keg in Theresa where Widmer’s fried Brick cheese curds are a favorite on the menu!
And it wouldn’t be Wisconsin without a Bloody Mary, and the Waterfront Restaurant & Tavern in La Crosse serves its fried cheese curds with a Bloody Mary dipping sauce! Doesn’t get more Wisconsin than that!

photo by @abbymeyerco via Instagram
Another Discover Wisconsin favorite for delicious curds is Iron Horse Hotel in Milwaukee, which serves up delicious tempura-battered curds.

photo by @mshellbraun via Instagram
We’re rounding out our list of favorite curds with these babies from Craftsman Table and Tap in Middleton, which feature Carr Valley curds and a classic buttermilk ranch dressing.

photo by @craftsmantableandtap via Instagram
No matter where you are in the state, whether it’s fresh or fried cheese curds, you know they’re made with Wisconsin pride and passion, so enjoy! Watch the full A Curd Crawl episode now on Roku, Smart TV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and
Amy Wallace is a member of the Discover Wisconsin crew. Watch Discover Wisconsin on Saturdays at 10 a.m. on Fox Sports Wisconsin.