A Wisconsin Woman’s Five Tips for Simple Living

Discover Wisconsin

May 1, 2018

Written by Jodi Pliszka
Were you able to join my daughter and I, and our mini-donkeys, in our Discover Wisconsin and Group Health Trust video?  The donkeys were the stars of the show!  Let’s talk about something that is happening to us all nowadays, with technology running our lives.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that there is a lot of fluff on the internet.  People claiming they can teach you how to live a happier life or teach you how to make more money or even free up your time, by using their “tips & tricks.”  One person is telling you to do this, while another so-called expert is telling you to do that!  It’s so frustrating and often makes you feel a sense of overwhelm.
No worries, I’m not one of those people! I offer proven strategies that are scientifically based in behavioral psychology and cognitive neuroscience, made SIMPLE.  You see, I lost my hair to alopecia 31 years ago, and spent my life learning how to perfect my mindset to be able to live the happiest life I could.  After years of education and experiences, my mindset turned into a “gift” in which I have been able to help tens of thousands of people as a Business/Mindset Strategist.  People tease me that my brain grew too big, which it caused my hair to fall out, like Dr. Xavier on the X-Men. Ha! I love laughing and believe that this helps me focus on living simply.  Have you ever thought of how you can simplify your life?  If you have, what I am about to say should really resonate with you, deeply.
Therefore, I’d like to share five strategies that I teach in my “Retrain Your Brain to Master it All” program (an 8 week online intensive transformational program helping people make more, work less and enjoy their lives!).  These are proven, repeatable, scientific strategies to help you improve your mental abilities and live a longer, happier life:

  1. Mindful awareness– This is learning to connect to your environment and others around you. By learning how to use brain training techniques, you can put yourself into a state of mindful awareness. You can try this by picking up an object that is close to you, and stare at it for 30 seconds. Then increase to one minute, then two, three, four minutes, and so on.  The more you are able to concentrate, the more you are controlling your mind!  Pretty cool, right?   You are learning about “mind control.”So, the next time you pass a flower, be sure to stop and appreciate it. Look at it, smell it and enjoy its beauty. You can learn to live a simple, happier life by being more mindfully aware.


  1. Reduce Stress– Did you know that you can control your thoughts, even when you are stressed out and anxious? You can!  Let’s me explain a little about how the brain works.  You have neurons that “wire together and fire together” to create your thoughts.  When you are really stressed out, your neurons start firing; the first step is acknowledging that you are stressed out, and the second step is breathing.Here is a quick exercise for you when you are stressed out: Take six, deep belly breaths.  Breathe in slowly, through your mouth, hold it for a few seconds and slowly release through your nose.  If you repeat this process, five or six times, you are actually interrupting the firing of neural patterns in your brain. If they can’t get any fuel, they stop firing together.  This means you can actually change your anxiety triggers, by interrupting your brain with your breathing.  The more times you do this, the less often you will allow these stressors to affect you.Remember, you can’t control the way people ‘act’ towards you, but you can control the way you ‘react.’  You can learn to live a simple, happier life by breathing.


  1. Eliminate Internal Negative Beliefs Most people can’t focus on the simple things in life, because they are too bogged down focusing on everything that is wrong or complex in their lives.  When a belief or attitude from your past isn’t congruent with your current situation, you experience a brain mishap called ‘cognitive dissonance.’  The only way to relieve this stress is by figuring out what your current attitudes and values are, right now, today!  Once you figure this out, you will reduce your stress significantly. I am offering a FREE GIFT, just for the Discover Wisconsin followers; that deals with eliminating internal negative beliefs. Please visit RetrainYourBrain.Today  and join for a free training. Trust me, you’ve probably never heard anything like this before!You can learn to live a simple, happier life by literally “Changing your Mind.”


  1. Brain Organization: Did you know that 5% of your focus uses your conscious mind, while the other 95% is directed by your unconscious mind.  It’s imperative to keep your mind directed on items that are most important to you for the day, week, month, and year, so you free up more brain space.HINT!  Did you know that you are 40% more likely to accomplish a task just by writing it down?So, if you want to live a happier life and reduce stress, start writing down your goals.  You’ll be amazed at how much you will get done in a day when you get organized.  By organizing your actions, you will help guide your brain most effectively. When your brain is happy, so are you!  You can learn to live a more simple life by organizing your mind.Here is the last and most important strategy to living a simple life:


  1. Change Your Focus: Stop and think about what really makes you happy in life. If you focus on getting out there and playing with your kids or taking your dog for a walk, you will improve both your mind and body connection. Change your focus from materialistic things, which is extrinsic motivation, and try to focus on simple things that intrinsically make you happy;  like watching a movie, reading a book or driving down to Lake Michigan to take a walk.  Whatever you truly enjoy doing, make time for it in your schedule. It’s not about what kind of car you drive or how big your house is, it’s the friends and family members (including pets) that you fill them with that matters the most.   What makes you truly happy from the inside out? Learn to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and you will reduce your stress and live a longer, happier, healthier life! Don’t worry if you aren’t able to do this yet. It takes having the right information, in the right order and implementing it at the right time in your life.  I spent 30 years compiling all my information and put it together in my Retrain Your Brain To Master It All Program, to help people learn to enjoy their lives, easier than ever before. If you would like start “living your life by design, instead of default, on auto-pilot”, let me know.  I’m here to help.  I created my online program with group coaching to help as many people as possible, in the quickest way.  Maybe you will be one of them.

Isn’t it time to Retrain Your Brain to Master It All and start living the most amazing life that you have always dreamed of living?

“If a bald lady from Muskego, Wisconsin can do this, so can you! If you believe it, you can see it happen.”   Let’s chat, soon!    Keep smiling!
For more information about Jodi Pliszka, M.S., Ph.D, abd  please visit www.jodipliszka.com  or join Jodi’s FREE training at www.RetrainYourBrain.Today.
For more information about Jodi’s invention Headline It! No Sweat Safety and Comfort liners for hats, helmets, wigs, please visit www.headlineit.com.

Jodi Pliszka, M.S., Ph.D,abd   who is a speaker, author, inventor, and high-performance mindset strategist on a mission to rescue you from the invisible forces that affect your business, life, and destiny. She earned her Master’s degree and Ph.D., abd, studying cognitive neuroscience, behavioral psychology and human behavior. Jodi founded the Retrain Your Brain To Master It All Program; a powerful framework for inspiring your ultimate level of creativity, inspiration, productivity, leadership and innovation. She is the President/CEO of the Headline It! No Sweat liner company, a top finalist on ABC’S American Inventor TV show, featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX news, Lifetime TV and media outlets, globally. She is the recipient of the Enterprising Woman of the Year Award.  Proud Mom to Jess, who graduated pre-med, Dean’s list from Carroll University in Waukesha on May 12, 2018.

The WCA Group Health Trust was created when county officials joined together to create an employee benefit program that would meet the unique needs of local governments. Today, their founding principles still remain at the core. WCA Group Health Trust is governed by officials from participating units of government and school districts, making the organization more responsive to local healthcare needs.

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