Today marks 50 years of Earth Day. During these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, time spent out-of-doors has been comforting to many Wisconsinites. We hope you’ll join us today in showing support for environmental protection! We’ve collaborated with the Aldo Leopold Foundation to highlight some of the ways they’re connecting with the community now, and in the coming months.
Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac is reborn!
A new edition of Aldo Leopold’s masterpiece, A Sand County Almanac, arrives just in time to reach a new generation with a timeless message: that our moral responsibilities will determine how we care for each other and for our shared home, the earth. The piece was originally published in 1949 but its message is still important today. Through science, history, humor, and prose, Leopold uses A Sand County Almanac and its call for a land ethic to communicate the true connection between people and the natural world. The hope: that readers will begin to treat the land with the love and respect that it deserves. The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to pick up a copy for 25% off and free shipping when ordered through the Aldo Leopold Foundation. While we practice ‘Safer at Home’ to ensure the safety of our communities, it’s a perfect opportunity to read this Wisconsin classic.
Sandhill Crane Fall Migration
Every year, the Aldo Leopold Foundation hosts crane tours in the fall to gather nature enthusiasts, bird-lovers, photographers, and community members to view the beauty of the sandhill crane migration. Dates for 2020 will be released in early summer with registration opening in August. Participation in Crane Congregations helps the Aldo Leopold Foundation foster care for people, land, and communities through Leopold’s legacy. Sign up for their newsletter to receive more information on upcoming programs through the foundation.
Aldo Leopold Foundation’s Programs

Courtesy of the Aldo Leopold Foundation and University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives
Visits to the Leopold Legacy Center are on hold and we encourage you to check as you plan your trip. Visitors enjoy tours of Aldo Leopold’s famous Shack, new exhibits of Leopold’s life, and hiking trails. Learn more about the area that inspired Aldo Leopold and experience the beauty yourself.
Ellen Fallon is the Marketing Specialist for Discover Wisconsin. Growing up in Madison she has enjoyed spending her weekends exploring the state and finding new and exciting destinations to travel to with her friends and family. You can watch Discover Wisconsin online at